the shock of seeing his favorite kitten, muffy, kicked into oblivion dropped sweetheart ed the floor. after crying away the first 4 hours of the day, sweetheart ed woke to find the warehouse was no longer a place he love, it had become a thing to hate and fear. (and as you of course know sweetheart eds cry gum-drop tears, so you can imagine the mess left behind)
sweetheart ed started to die right then and there. but sweet heart ed was also special ed. and special ed as we all know doesn't die all at once, it dies slowly. piece by piece.
so our sweetheart ed decieded he couldn't take anymore of the warehouse, or life for that matter, so, for the first time, he decieded to sleep his lunch hour away.
but he thought, "if sweetheart ed sleep lunch, when sweetheart ed eat?" he decieded he had better eat his sandwich first. unfortunatly the dead body of muffy fell from the sky, cursed by all that was naughty, and landed right on sweetheart eds sandwich. infecting it will a horribly delightful zombie virus. but sweetheart ed loves green stuff and eat it in one bite.
sweetheart ed made his way out to his sleeping truck. each time our sweetheart ed slept, more and more of the sweetheart died, and the zombie was there waiting to fill in the gap left behind. until one day sweetheart ed was no more, and zombie ed awoke with full force, hunger for brains, and a new love to tell funny storys. this is how the legend begins...

you can actually see the sweetheart running out his mouth down the side of the sleeping truck. sad...
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